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A small Animation about the Devil having issues swatting a pesky fly that found its way into hell.

It was clear from the start that the short would be about The Devil trying to smack a fly, but some things that needed to be considered was the Devil's look, the fly's look, and what hell would look like.

The Fly went through some major prototypes, from being a normal fly that was killed and sent to hell, a demonic fly that simply lived there and pestered the devil, or some sort of Angelic fly that found it's way to hell.

The Devil's designs started out from Cartoon like, impish, business man like, and full on demonic. It was decided to go with a very demonic looking Satan to make the scenario more funny and contrast greatly with his serious look.

Ultimately it was decided to make the fly angelic and more of a cartoon character to contrast The Devil's serious and demonic appearance. An early design had it with angel wings instead of fly wings, but that didn't read as a fly anymore. Instead it was given a collar worn by priests to give a small symbolism besides the halo.

The Look of Hell was also something to look into, ultimately the goal was to make it no doubt that it was hell so we tried a few designs and colors. We set the location of the short at the Devil's throne room.

We decided to give his throne larger than life pillars with skulls and fire that stretched above him and look over hell. Colors were interesting to play with, sometimes it was the usual reds, browns, blacks we associate with hell. At one point there was a neon theme of blues, greens and purples. One point it was experimented to see what mixing the two schemes could do. But overall the reds, blacks and browns won over.

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